8 thoughts on “Booyeah! A Bearly Believable Blog Post!”

  1. Gratz, got mine a few weeks ago, but it stopped seeming important after I realised how little challenge there was to get it for a T5 guild, It really killed part of the feeling for me which had been in getting to the chest nearly impossible and clawing back every minute we could to make it better.

    WTB Heroic Zul’aman.

    2ndnins last blog post..On Personal responsibility

  2. I never ride mine. It feels like a Suburban going down a steep mountain path. Makes me nauseous.

    Bring some Motrin and enjoy the ride though! Grats!

  3. Grats Matt! I got my bear about three weeks ago, and I was beyond overjoyed. It’s a major accomplishment, and a visual reminder of some good solid raiding. The bear run is fast-paced and challenging for almost any raid.


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