(Updated for Patch 11.0.2)
- September 16, 2024: Updated for TWW Season 1.
- May 4, 2023: Added new Weakauras for season 2, removed season 1 Weakauras
- February 6, 2024: Added and refreshed Weakauras and compiled a list of addons below
- April 21, 2024: Added new Weakauras for Season 4, removed Season 3
For general Priest play
This is a heads-up display I keep right under my character model. Helps me determine at a glance what’s off cooldown that I can cast (and I can see my feet in case I’m standing in anything particularly dangerous). Switched over to Luxthos for Dragonflight.

A bar that shows your Innervate duration. I position this right over my player model.

Funki’s Clickable Consumables and Raid Buffs
Shows you what consumables or raid buffs you’re missing and if anyone in your party or raid is missing Power Word: Fortitude. Your raid leader will love you.

If you’re like me and are pugging dungeons or raids and don’t really know who to hit Power Infusion with, this will let you know when players are using their damage buffs. You can adjust the priority of classes. This is great if you just want to get it on cooldown and don’t really care to know who to give Power Infusion to in a pickup group. Or you could just give it to a tank and get yelled at.
Answered Prayers and Apotheosis Tracker Bar
Places a vertical bar that shows the time left in both Apotheosis or from the Answered Prayers talent. You’ll want to use this time cast the spells that reduce the cooldown on your Holy Words (like Prayer of Healing for Sanctify and Heal or Flash Heal for Serenity).

Places a glow on a raid frame if someone drops below 32% health and Power Word: Life is available.
Shows when Lightwell is available and the number of remaining charges.
Tracks the Rhapsody buff. Since it stops going up at 20 stacks, the timer will reset when you cast Holy Nova.
Tracks your equipped trinkets. I like to position this above my player frame. Will highlight if you have an on-use ability (like Mote of Sanctification) or display stack counts (Flask of the Solemn Night).
For Dungeons
Displays general key information and timers. By Reloe.

Puts a Moon Marker on top of the highest health mob in a pack.
New for Season 1 Dungeon ability and danger notifications.
Spell CDs on Nameplate – TWW Season 1
Shows the cooldown of spells next to enemy nameplates for DF Season 2 Dungeons (Updated for Season 4). Useful so you know if you need to Chastise or Psychic Scream something.
M+ Talent Reminders (Season 4)
Reminds you to swap or select specific talents for M+ due to any specific dungeon or affix requirements. It’ll classify them by Keep, Add, or Optional.
For Raids
Ties into DBM or Bigwigs, and makes a vertical timeline bar of upcoming encounter abilities.
Northern Sky TWW – Nerub-ar Palace
Contains all Mythic WeakAuras for Vault of the Incarnates, Aberrus, and Amirdrassil. Requires Database and Functions WA below.
Northern Sky – Nerub-ar Palace Assignment WAs
Required for specific assignments throughout the raid.
Northern Sky – Database and Functions
Required for the above to work.
For the raid teams that make extensive use of Viserio’s and MRT, I’ve been using this WA for added notifications.
Can be used for any encounter and doesn’t need set up from players, but the raid leader would need to create the interrupt rotation and add their spell and NPC ID for it to work and appear in MRT.
Primarily for raid leaders if you need to cycle and mark locations quickly.
Clickable Weakaura, where it auto-whispers a Druid in your group for an Innervate by simply clicking their name and icon.
For more contrasting names and easier readability.
Inspired by Adibags and BetterBags. I switched over to this one as well.
Great if there’s a lot of stuff or effects on the screen and you need to visually track your mouse. This is true for healers since we must target our players in raid frames.
After using DBM for over a decade, I decide to just switch to Bigwigs for this expansion.
For seeing where I am on the Dispels meter and viewing cause of death on players in game.
Mostly for tracking notes in raids. Used on conjunction with Viserios.
Scrolling Combat Text.
I use Jundies plater profile.
For guilds looking to assign loot.
Announces raid cooldowns used by yourself in chat.
Required for all the WeakAuras above.