Managing Guilds and Raids

Optimize your guild for raids and learn to manage player expectations.

Managing guilds and raids

Managing a guild is a full time job. Guilds can be formed for any reason such as for raiding or strictly for PvP (or combinations thereof). There really isn’t a right or wrong way to run a guild, but certain techniques are effective more than others. Your guild is your family. The best guilds have a strong sense of unity and community.Unfortunately, there are no guild leader tutorials in the game. While there are a number of excellent leadership blogs out there, not all of them are applicable to the game. Here are a few select articles that can help offer you the guidance you’re looking for. If you’re a fellow GM, an officer or even just a raider, these posts can help offer some insight into the day to day life of guild management.


  1. Encouraging Raiders to Sign Up and Why
  2. Setting Your Raid Schedule
  3. The Matticus Guild Philosophy
  4. 3 Approaches to Guild Progression
  5. The Ill-fated Group 2
  6. The No Asshole Rule: Constructing a Civilized Guild
  7. 4 Questions to Answer on the Respec Policy

Player Management

  1. 10+3 Personalities Every Guild Leader Needs Around
  2. Now Hiring: How to Recruit Players to Your Guild
  3. Leaving the Guild the Right Way
  4. The Care and Keeping of Recruits
  5. How to Advance from an AotC Player to a CE Player
  6. When is a Good Time to Change Mains?
  7. Stop Saying Sorry!
  8. Signs of an At-Risk Trial Raider and How to Address Them

GMs and Raid Leaders

  1. Lessons in Relationships: Between the Raid Leader and the Raid
  2. 11 Reasons Guildmasters Fail
  3. Raid Leading 101: Placement and Direction
  4. Us vs Them: What Can I do when Guild Members Disagree?
  5. Traits of Effective Healing Officers
  6. How to be an Effective 21st Raider

Guild Direction

  1. Structuring Your Casual Raiding Guild
  2. Guild Bureaucracy: 7 Ways to Cut the Crap
  3. How to Advance from an AotC Guild to a CE Guild

Guild Website

  1. Why you Need a Professional Looking Site


  1. 8 Great Rules to Follow for Forming Your Pickup Raid
  2. 7 Pointers for a Stress Free Raid
  3. How do I Break into Raiding?
  4. 6 Signs of Raiding Burnout

Loot Decisions

  1. Managing Loot Council in Dragonflight and Beyond
  2. Stare Decisis in Loot Council
  3. 6 Influential Factors in Loot Council Decisions

3 thoughts on “Managing Guilds and Raids”

  1. I’ve only made it down to player management thus far but I can tell you it’s 1:30am in the morning and I can’t stop reading down the page. Clearly (from what I have read thus far) written by someone who well, knows their sh$t and takes after my own heart; I really couldn’t believe it when I scrolled and read “I don’t care how much spell damage or healing you have. If you’re dead, you’re useless to the raid.”
     Also quiet amazing that the same issues have inherently been around from xpac to xpac, since the dawn of WOW.

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