
Started in the summer of 2007, World of Matticus aims to deliver useful advice and tips for aspiring healers and leaders in the game World of Warcraft. The goal is to try to help readers solve problems and offer useful information from the lens of a Priest healer and an officer.


Meet the team:

Matt “Matticus” L.

Chef Wordsmith
(Always cooking something up)

I’m the founder of World of Matticus. I’m a mid 30’s IT professional and freelance gaming journalist based out of BC, Canada. I started blogging because there weren’t that many blogs or resources for priests at the time. Most of the blogs in that era were centered around day-to-day activities but it was hard to find something with genuinely useful or actionable advice and I decided to start one of my own. In today’s age, most WoW content revolves around livestreams and YouTube videos. I’m still one of the few remaining out still playing and still writing from the late 2000s.

In World of Warcraft, I play a Pandaren healing Priest. I’m the GM and founder of <Conquest>. My first MMO was Ultima Online but didn’t play it for long. It wasn’t until Guild Wars that I started taking MMORPGs more seriously (and after taking the Hall of Heroes). I shut down Conquest towards the end of Warlords of Draenor. After that, I signed on to Proper Villains at the end of Legion. That guild ceased operating towards the end of Season 1, Shadowlands. After a casual break in season 2, I signed on with Death Jesters in season 3 where I was drafted into a leadership position as an officer where I’ve been scheming on how to be relieved of my duties as an officer. Death Jesters and the Zeroes to Heroes community contain a large number of raid teams, but the primary Death Jesters team raids on Friday and Saturday nights. Outside of that, I raid with friends in the Iconic gaming community where I mainly push my Mythic+ keys.

Twitter: @matticus
Website you visit the most: Reddit
Favourite expression: *lets out a large sigh*
Likes his coffee: Straight black
Favourite WoW boss fight: Kil’Jaeden
Can’t raid without: A full stomach
Addicted to: Twitter
Place to visit the most: Las Vegas
Biggest pet peeve: People who don’t communicate and assume I know everything