Gearing Up, For The Wyn

 Image courtesy of Chancaca Wyn’s gearing philosophy It seems like whenever I start talking healing with a new priest-acquaintance or guild-app, the first (often only) metric they give me to describe their gear level is their +healing. Not that +healing isn’t important at all, but there are more important stats. More than that, how you …

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DKP is the Devil

Image courtesy of andehans  Sure, it’s all about killing the boss. It’s a group effort, a bonding experience, and a hell of a lot of fun. The problems start right after the screenshots are taken and the congratulations are over – loot dropped. What was it, and who should get it? There are two common …

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When MIA Happens to YOU

Hey everyone, I wanted to give a quick explanation for my recent absence, and weekend-only posts – Been working too hard! Unfortunately, my work-load got doubled about two weeks ago, and my resulting hours have stripped my calendar of the time I used to use for WoW-research and writing. I shall return, and Matt’s posts …

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