Wise words from a friend

“Players win games. Teams win championships.” – Spencicus Think about those the next time you enter a new progression raid. individual player skill will help you defeat dragons. But it’s the effort of the whole team that brings the glory of victory. Plavix without prescription buy Cytotec online

[Video] Endless Healer Proving Grounds

Here, watch this video of me in my first ever effort on the new healer Proving Grounds. You can read more about the experience in detail on WoW Insider. In other news, I spent money buying Spirit Guard Udyr in League of Legends this morning. Then the new transmog helms were available and I bought …

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Heroic Ji-Kun!

What a rush. We finally hit 2/13 with a Ji-Kun kill that I never would’ve anticipated. We had just hit 39% remaining. Our nest tank was dead and there was no point sending in groups up to the nests which had guardians because they were going to die. It would end up being a race …

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Behind the Blogging Scenes Interview: Liore

Today we talk to MMO veteran Liore. She’s been around the block when it comes to MMOs (WoW, SWTOR, Guild Wars 2, Rift, you name it). Her blog has been around for a long time and she’s still going strong (Since at least 2009?). She has since started contributing to Rift Junkies and WildStar Junkies. …

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