
They’re the only way to deal with these healing relics. Paladins, you guys are especially blinding. There needs to be a new metric on the most dangerous bosses list: Wipes due to dazzling graphics. I’m positive we’ve wiped a half dozen times due to this somewhere. Attenuation? Why don’t I just blind the raid for …

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Is LFR Mandatory for Raiders? Maybe

To me, this is both a yes and no question. As raiders, it’s fair to assume that we want to get as much of a gearing advantage as possible for raids. Every little bit helps and counts towards boss kills. The beginning point of an expansion is a crucial stage for this. The difference between …

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Skewering Vizier Zor’lok

Wikipedia states that A vizier […] is a high-ranking political adviser or minister in an Islamic government.[3][4] The word is derived from Middle Persian[5][6] and then adopted into Arabic root. The vizier stood between sovereign and subjects, representing the former in all matters touching the latter. Well, today I learned. Not exactly the voice of Psy, …

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The Things we Balance

Life is a balance. We balance our work lives and our personal lives. We balance academics with extracurricular activities. We balance beer with hard liquor (some of us, at least). WoW’s obviously no different. With that in mind, I wanted to pose some things to think about. These are questions that most guilds and officer …

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So Shadow Maybe

“Hey I just met youAnd this is crazyBut Monks are OPSo Shadow maybe.”   The world is officially ending. Seriously, this is the year. Volcanoes are erupting ash into the atmosphere. Earthquakes are shattering continents. Storms are tearing up landscapes. Why? Because the two most unlikeliest things have occurred. I have a Horde Priest at …

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