What Priests Bring to Challenge Modes

Edit: I managed to secure all gold challenge modes as a Discipline Priest. I’ve updated this post to reflect on my experiences. I assume you already know most of the basics about playing a discipline priest like what the spells do and rotations and such. The first time I signed on for a challenge mode, …

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Max-Maxing: Drawing the Line

I love it when I get pushback from raiders adamantly stating that they can DPS in whatever spec they want. Heh, I counter that by saying I can fill the raid with whatever player I want. It’s been a little over two weeks after Mists drop. I find myself keeping a stack of those talent …

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First impression on raiding with fixed mana in MoP

So we’ve just had our first raid in MoP, Mogu’shan Vaults. It was pretty interesting from a healer perspective. Fixed mana has been one of those ultimately strange concepts from the time it was announced, and to be fair we weren’t quite sure how it would play out in a regular raid. I’m here to give you my first impressions on it, and a few opinions.

Again these are just my opinions, and my observations.

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Save Those Lucky Charms, Raiders!

I chuckle slightly to myself when I get messages from players who are excited (smug) after using an Elder Charm of Good Fortune on Sha of Anger throughout the week. For those of you not in the know, those Charms are used to give you a bonus roll on any raid boss. It has a …

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