Back to CE Reclears!

I can safely exhale. We’ve recleared Fyrakk a second time. I still standby my statement that 2nd clears of a boss can often be harder than first kills. This past week was our first raid week in a while where we stepped back in against Gnarlroot and Igira (and the first time I raided in …

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Mythic Fyrakk Cleared: Dragonflight CE Complete!

It’s finally done! Fyrakk has been defeated and the Dragon Isles are once again safe! Death Jesters finishes Realm 8th (US 242). Our expansion tier finishes showed growth and improvement across each raid instance: Instance US Rank Server Rank Vault of the Incarnates 363 14 Aberrus 300 9 Amirdrassil 242 8 I did feel like …

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Fyrakk Progression Begins

Yeesh. I haven’t written a post in a month and a half. The stress from work has been taking a toll, and I haven’t been able to keep up. Not only that, my practice time has gone down because I’ve lost some of that motivation. It’s really hard to focus and practice without a private …

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7/9 Mythic Amirdrassil Recap

We did it! On exactly 100 pulls, we managed to smash Smolderon back into the ground. Progress on Smolderon started in earnest during the first weekend of 2024. We still had a few players who were away and missing some key pieces. Much of our work on the first night was getting accustomed to handling …

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2023 Year in Review!

Hey everybody! Can you believe another year has passed us by? I wanted to thank all of you for still sticking with me all these years later. Your being part of this journey means the world here! In DJs, we knocked out two CE clears with Raszageth defeated and Sarkareth crushed we’re well on our …

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