It was a close one this week for both teams. Some big success with Last Call, while Death Jesters came up just slightly short.
- Death Jesters recleared all of our farm in one day. We’ve essentially removed the front half of normal difficulty from the raid schedule. This week we’re dropping normal entirely and focusing on the remaining back portion of Heroic in order to allocate more time for Mythic progression. Our second day of raid was spent entirely on Stix Bunkjunker. I wasn’t in on this one, but I watched our team here. Some of the key differences are that the ads seem more numerous, and now there are pylons around the room that zap players. Scrapmasters have been upgraded to where they can inflict lethal damage. We’re still looking to add a strong Disc Priest to the team, along with both a ranged and melee DPS. Come apply!
- Over at Last Call, we cleared two new progression bosses with Mug’zee and now Gallywix defeated. We spent all of day 2 on Gallywix. It was a bit of a rough start than I liked. There were some raid calling and positioning issues, but we were able to get that settled, and once we started grooving, the rest of it came together quite nicely, with the kill happening on the last pull of the night.
- Our raid preparation needs work and it’s frustrating to me the calibre of questions I’m having to field when we’re inside the instance and at the boss. More on this topic another time.
- The unfortunate side effect of the kill taking place at the end meant that no Mythic progress was made at all this week. We had to make a decision part way through the night. We were reaching a point where we had the option to continue with Gallywix or pivot to Mythic. I made the call to continue with Gallywix as I felt opening up the vault was more valuable in the long run as opposed to killing one boss in Mythic and not getting a mythic vault slot anyway since we hadn’t prepared anything for Cauldron of Carnage.
- I’m starting to feel some fatigue. There’s a lot of decision-making that needs to be done in addition to a lot of preparation that needs to be handled during the week before the raid. I don’t feel as I’m getting the support and help I need at times either at the leadership level or the raider level. When I agreed to join the team in a leadership capacity, I agreed to take on the raid leading side with strategy, assignments, and cooldowns. I also agreed to manage the recruiting and outreach for potential players to join the team. But, I would not want any involvement in setting the weekly roster, managing trial feedback and evaluation, raid disciplinary action, or loot management (like loot council decisions). If asked, I can weigh in on those aspects, though I did not want to be in any decision-making or action-taking capacity. It’s starting to feel like those boundaries are beginning to get encroached and that the leadership team is reluctant or unwilling to take decisive action when it’s needed, so I have to do it in a few of the cases. I’ll have to continue to reaffirm boundaries or try to get some additional help somewhere. In the mean time, I’m looking to add a Warlock, a DPS Monk, and a Rogue. Feel free to apply to this team as well!