Matt’s Notebook: Undermine 3/9 Mythic (Week 2)

That was quite a surprise for us and completely unexpected. We entered this week with our goals being an AotC Heroic clear followed by Cauldron attempts. Let’s get into it, shall we?

  • First up with Death Jesters, we made a massive progression jump this past week. We were just short of getting Mug’zee down the previous week and with the first week of vaults and more set bonuses complete, we made another run at him again. After we made relatively quick work of Heroic Mug’zee (about four pulls), we stormed into Gallywix’s chambers and crushed him as well. We used 6 healers there, and it was an incredibly intensive healing encounter. It did feel cyclical towards the end. Once we got the moves down between going into melee to help soak and stepping back out to avoid large explosions, it became straightforward. With Gallywix down, we still had time left, and now, the real work was about to begin, and Mythic Undermine was looming. Vexie was picked apart quite handily, and I admit I could’ve done a better job trying to work with oils and dunking them. I was so focused in on healing (because we dropped down to 4 healers instead of our first week of 5) that I just didn’t bother trying for them. I caught an oil barrel at the end of the fight and I didn’t even notice it. We moved upwards to Cauldron of Carnage afterward. There were some learning pulls involved there and I had to work with one of our Evokers to help ferry me over to safety during intermission a few times so I could safely plant and fire out a quick Divine Hymn to keep players alive. Overall, it was a bit of a dirty kill with many of the team on the ground. With a little over an hour left, we moved on to Rik Reverb to try to get a few pulls in there and get accustomed to the positioning and placement of amplifiers. Went down to 3 healers here to try to push for the extra damage. The first few pulls went great, and Rik was dropped down to the 30% range early on. On our kill attempt, Rik had around 400 million left, and our raid leader made the call just to focus Rik down instead and ignore whatever adds and… it worked! Again, we limped into that kill with most of the raid down, but we did it. We end the week at 3/9 Mythic. We’ve got to temper our expectations, though, because I don’t know if we’ll able to make those kinds of gains again this week and get Stix to fall over like that either. We’re at the point now where we can safely take most of normal off of our raid schedule. A lockout was obtained for just the last 3 bosses. This will give us more time to work on the progression stuff.
  • That being said, there were some Mythic raid nerfs that were applied to both Stix and Sprocketmonger with this reset which might make it more accessible.
  • We experienced some serious roster setbacks this week with three members departing, which means we’ve got some major openings. There is an immediate priority need for a Disc Priest. After that, we’re looking to add a Balance Druid and some other melee class (perhaps a Death Knight or a Windwalker Monk) to help round out our DPS there. With five healers on the roster, it will be perilous, especially as summer is only a few short months away. If you’re interested, drop us an application!
  • Not to be entirely outdone, Last Call entered Mythic for the first time this season as well. We did some short work on Vexie, but we still couldn’t get over the wall that is Mug’zee. We came close, though, with around 20% left. I had some trouble deciding where to go because we entered the final hour of our raid, and we knew early on in the week that we could get through Mythic Vexie. The decision came down to either continuing shots on Mug’zee or pivoting over to Vexie and I felt we had a better chance of getting that one down.
  • For our Mug’zee attempts next week, I can do a better job of redrawing up our soak orders. We started with an even group 1 and group 2 split for rockets. In hindsight, I should’ve gone down the immunity strategy path instead which would’ve made it a little easier for us on that 3rd rocket overlap (with the 3rd said of jails).
  • My recruiting needs for Last Call continue to be for a Warlock, a Windwalker Monk, a Rogue, and some caster DPS (Balance Druid or another Mage). You can apply to that team here. We raid Sunday and Monday from 5 – 8 PM Pacific.
  • Blizzard introduced some dungeon nerfs and buffs! I managed to time a 10 Priory this week with the extended timer for that portal, but I’m sad I missed obtaining the Darkflame portal before they nerfed those timings. However, they also made changes to that Corridor Creeper with the dispel, which also makes it more manageable, and that’s a tradeoff I will take.

We’ll see what this week holds!