Ouch! A Lesson in 5v5 Arena Combat

Main Entry: are?na Pronunciation: &-‘rE-n& Function: noun 1 : an area in a Roman amphitheater for gladiatorial combats Main Entry: 1team Pronunciation: ‘tEm Function: noun 4 : a number of persons associated together in work or activity: as a : a group on one side (as in football or a debate) When Blizzard first introduced …

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Keys to Success

The keyboard is the most important tool in any gamer’s arsenal. It’s important to bind keys to abilities because you can react quicker to keys then to mouse clicks. Ask any player you know, and they will tell you that no matter what platform you compete on (RTS, FPS, MMO), it is absolutely essential to …

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Carnage scores shorthanded! (Lurker down)

Lurker 1 – Carnage 2 Those were the headlines last night as Carnage, a special forces guild on Ner’Zhul marched into Serpentshrine Cavern to help prepare for the oncoming winter. Repeated attempts to summon this monstrous monstrosity of a monster failed with various fishermen ill-equipped to lure a creature of this size. But in the …

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Hydross down

Took us about four hours and 25g in repair bills each, but Matt and co. strike first blood in SSC finally. He dropped cloth healing bracers (Which I shoulda bid more for, but eh, didn’t really want it that badly) and something else which wasn’t that important either.