There’s a Storm in my Brain

As a blogger, there are going to be days when you hit a rut. No matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to get any ideas going and you sit there staring at a blank screen (or notepad in my case).

Luckily for you wonderful readers, I don’t succumb to such a dry spell very often. In fact, I suffer from having too many ideas. I’ve been looking around for a virtual whiteboard for a long time. Thanks to Jon, the master of the Bronze Kettle, I’ve found one!

I’m always open to ideas and thinking outside the box. The only way to thrive in the world of blogging is to continue to innovate and be creative. I don’t believe in a lack of good ideas. I believe in a lack of motivation.

But if you’re curious as to what I have planned, take a gander at my whiteboard. I usually start with a title first and expand from there. I often don’t write diary posts because I think it’s boring and I would not want to subject anyone to that. My goal is to write something where after you read every post there is something you can take away from it. Maybe it’s a lesson, or a tip, or an idea, I don’t know. If I’m giving something away for free, it may as well be of use to someone.

To all the people that have said nice things about me and my blog, remember that I’m not a saint. I’m just an ordinary priest with more ideas then time.

But you can thank me with repeat visits and spreading my blog ;).

3 thoughts on “There’s a Storm in my Brain”

  1. I am really looking forward to this one – “5 beliefs about healing from gregory house”

    Thanks for your blog it has been very helpful to me as the new raid healing leader in my guild, I have been reading for a couple months and commenting for the first time.


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