5 Signs of the Vigilante Raider


Bruce Wayne: I’m doing the best I can, with what I know.


After my raid wrapped up on Thursday night, I was due to catch up with a dear lady friend of mine. She had free movie passes and being the gentleman that I am, I offered to help her use them! She agreed and we both watched The Dark Knight at 11 PM. Like everyone else who watched it before me, I thought it was one of the top movies this summer if not the entire year.

Whether you’ll openly admit it or not, there’s a little bit of Batman in each and everyone of us when we play WoW. Don’t believe me? Here’s my list:

Adapting roles – For certain classes, they have to adapt to the needs of the Guild. Thankfully as Priests, we don’t have this problem. Classes like Paladins have to change their specs to fill a need that the Guild has. A spectacular Resto Druid I know made the decision to go Feral after we lost a tank just to maintain the Guild. Towards the end of the movie, Batman had to turn into whatever Gotham needed him to be. In this case, he became their villain to preserve the image of Harvey Dent.

Constantly improving – Whatever challenges the game throws our way, all players need to improve themselves to face them and beat them. Batman gets chased down by dogs and has difficulty moving his head. He gets his buddy Fox to modify his suit to minimize the problems they cause. Us WoW players will always be tinkering with our gear. Sometimes we want to increase our healing throughput. Other times we like to increase our endurance and we switch our gear as necessary.

Friendly support – Where would we be without our Guildmates? Not raiding is the first answer that comes to mind. In addition, I like to cultivate and maintain a vast network of friends willing to exchange services that I may need. Batman would never have been able to fight crime without the assistance of Lucius Fox and Alfred by his side.

Sacrifice – Are you willing to swallow your pride and bench yourself for the good of the Guild? Batman made jaw dropping decision to reveal his identity to turn himself in only for Harvey Dent to cover up and sacrifice himself instead. As a raider, there are times when you’ll be called upon to do things you don’t want to do. When you accept it, you’ll find it really isn’t all that bad. Sometimes you just have to walk away.

Making tough choices – Healers face bad choices every raiding night. Who do we heal first? Both are equally important. We can’t heal one without losing the other. Batman could only save 1 of the 2 hostages and he chose incorrectly based on information that was switcheroo’d. Sometimes you can’t make calculated decisions. Not all of the information necessary to make the right choice is there. Everything needs to get pieced together but the pieces don’t fit. As a result, a hard choice needs to be made on what action is taken next.

See what I mean? There’s always a bit of a vigilante in everyone. Some of us are adept at hiding it well. Others aren’t so lucky. 

6 thoughts on “5 Signs of the Vigilante Raider”

  1. He didn’t choose incorrectly, based on switched info — he chose to be responsible for Harvey Dent. It’s not made clear in the movie because we’re supposed to think he was going after the girl, and they muddied that so much it seemed as though he’d been tricked into going after Dent.

    He wasn’t. He made himself responsible for Dent because Dent could do the most good.

    Grezzks last blog post..Pimped. Out. (And, at the end, a story that made me really happy.)

  2. They just shouted addresses, and it was all chaotic, and of course everyone would assume that bats is coming for her.

    But Dent was *such* a symbol for him.

    It made total sense, after the fact.

    Grezzks last blog post..Pimped. Out. (And, at the end, a story that made me really happy.)

  3. No, I think you’re wrong. I believe that Batman was heading to where he had been told Rachel was. He told Gordon that he was going after Rachel and if you compare the address that the final fight with Two Face was, it is the same place that the Joker states is where Rachel is. Was. Uh, boom.

  4. I, too, have to say that Batman was tricked into going after Dent. He quite clearly shouted “Rachel” when he was stalking out.

    Joker lied.

    Even though he stated he doesn’t have any plans, I believe he knew the death of Rachel would hit Dent far harder than it would hit Batman.
    Batman was already a hardened veteran of the criminal way of the world, whereas Dent was still very idealistic given his experience.

    Nothing like the death of a loved one to destroy your faith.

    Euripedess last blog post..In Which I Make an Ass of Myself

  5. It’s true that the Joker switched the addresses. Batman chose to save Rachel and ended up saving Harvey instead. The Joker does switch the addresses on him. Though, if you want to make the argument, you could say that Batmana knew the Joker was lying and wanted to save Harvey Dent instead but I doubt it. Anyway, she knew who Batman was, she had to go.


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