Raid Juggling

In hockey, there is a term called line juggling. Typically, when a team has difficulty scoring and getting momentum going the coach will start juggling his forwards together in the chance that they will click, find chemistry, and score. On Sunday, Carnage has been able to consistently transition from Phase 3 to phase 4 while …

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Weekly Digest: Kael Still a Douche, Hunters Saddened, and Mattcast Going Through

What’s Happening in WoW By the time this post goes out, I will have finished getting the necessary Sporregar rep to transmute Primal Earth to Water on my Paladin. No more spending gold to buy Primals to transmute Skyfire or Earthstorm diamonds! Kael is still giving us a hard time. I’ve localized the problem down …

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What is Twitter?

I had a few questions about this over the past few weeks about what Twitter is. It’s a web service that allows you to tell other people what you are doing right this instant and it can be a little active. By having a Twitter account, you can follow other people and find out what …

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