Preparing your Shadow Priest for Challenge Modes

On Wednesday night, I was drafted for the guild’s challenge mode team. I was thinking to myself, “A Shadow Priest? Really? Our class DPS isn’t the best and I’m not sure if we’re considered optimal for this kind of stuff.” As you can tell, I was hesitant. But I figured, why not? Priest challenge mode …

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Assuming Direct Control

Hey everyone. I hope everyone’s had a wonderful Christmas holiday this past week. I myself received a gift of nasty flu-like symptoms. Managed to finish up some Omega (Mass Effect 3) DLC which I enjoyed. You noticed I took a little impromptu break since the last time. The truth is I’ve been blindsided due to …

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Where Personal Responsibility Begins and Guild Responsibility Ends

“Could you expand on the “augments for players” section?  I’ve always been interested in the spectrum of policies from raiders get their own stuff to raid leaders getting all consumables, etc. for the raid.  Where do you stand on this?  Does it depend on where the power position is where raid leaders feel they have …

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A Night in the Life of a GM

Inspire by Aunaka’s post on what a raid leader’s day looks like, I wanted to follow up with my own experiences on what a raid leader’s night looks like. You see, my responsibilities don’t immediately end after we kill the new boss. Once we get a progression kill down, a whole slew of other actions …

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