Help! Need Your Resources and Links!

I’ve been asked by my overlords to compile a large list of resources and links for WoW players. The internet is just too damn large. There’s new blogs starting everyday and sites being abandoned or taken down almost weekly. It’s a little bit much even for me. So I’m requesting reinforcements! Blogs.  These are typically …

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5.0.x and Mists of Pandaria: Holy and Discipline Priest Info

Welcome to patch 5.0.x! You’ll have a few weeks to get yourself acclimated for the great levelling push in under a month. Whether you plan to dungeon grind or quest your way to 85, it doesn’t hurt to refresh your skills. Priest changes and additions Fixed mana pools! We’re now down to 100k mana at level 85. …

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[VIDEO] Mists Beta: Videos from the Vault of Mysteries

Managed to queue into the second half of Mogu’shan Vaults on beta this week really late at night. I figured while these attempts were still fresh on my mine, I could at least get some pointers and notes down along with the recorded video. Apologies for the 720p. I found out that my bottleneck’s my …

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CS:GO Server is Live!

I know there’s a large number of you that don’t play Counterstrike. But the game is now live and the guild server is ready to go. Name: .Conquest | | Classic Competitive | Seattle IP: Slots: 32 player Location: Seattle, WA Type: Classic competitive, FF on Map rotation: Dust 2, Inferno, Train, Nuke …

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