12 Hours and 20 Minutes from 100 to 110

That’s the time it took for me to level from 100 to 110 on beta. I can do better than that. Anyway, related to the Legion leveling dilemma of pure quests versus incorporating dungeons, I did a straight run yesterday from 100 to 110 on my Priest. Here’s the times and rough paths: 10:38 AM: …

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We are Legion

My name is Legion: For we are many. Couldn’t help but think back to that Mass Effect 2 quote. Where do I start here? A quick guild update is in order. Archimonde on normal is now cleared. On the heroic front, we bypassed Iskar and gunned straight to Socrethar and Xhul knocking both of them out this week …

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The Podcast and the Hearthstone Stream

We won’t be transferring servers after all. After a two-week process, I’ve come to terms with the leadership of another guild on our server and finalized an arrangement for a guild merger. This will be the third one for the guild and it’s infused fresh life into everyone. I’ll have more details about that later …

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Game Time for Gold? Yes Please!

Have you seen the news about game time for gold? It broke earlier today in a forum post from Bash. Aside from the standard looking ahead to patch 6.1 content stuff like flight master paths, garrison stuff, and that Pepe (which is a separate blog post altogether because frankly, I just don’t understand the appeal), …

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