I’m telling you right now, that nothing beats that thrilling feeling of winning that fishing contest. Not killing my first Horde. Not doing my first instance. Not killing Rag. Not my first epic flying mount. Not even killing Vashj.
Thanks Blori and Keruen! Without their ability to run interference and crowd control, I would not have been able to get it. I wanted it on my priest initially, but I figured my Shaman could withstand the pain better from Horde.
Oooh, grats!
heh. Woot! Gratz. Always something that I’ve wanted, but never been able to log on during fishing contest hours.
I have yet to win a fishing contest. I came close a few times but never the win. Its on top of my list still of things to do.
Thanks guys =)
Galo, I’m gonna push out a column in the next few days for fishing. But for now, bring friends. Lots of them.