Are we Wasting Time?

Image courtesy of rrss First, I have a story to share for the sake of context. One Raid The other day, I assembled a a Guild Zul’Aman run. The goal is to keep a consistent ZA group that would run once a week in the hopes of eventually gelling together and running ZA with relative …

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5 Barriers of a Raid Healer – Part 3: Tunnel Vision

Image courtesy of liquid008 Each Saturday for the next five weeks, I will be writing about one barrier of the raid healer. Healers are often overshadowed and looked over since we are expected to simply know what to do. With luck, this five part series will help you to become a better raid healer whether …

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Black Temple Fun – The Supremus Lottery Game

Is your Supremus raid getting stagnant and boring? Are you one shotting it like crazy since there’s no challenge? Why not liven it up a bit with a lottery system? Credit goes to the goons at the Blue Moon guild for this idea. The Premise: Picking whoever dies during Supremus’ Volcano Phase (phase 2) Buy …

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