My definition of a good Priest

I wanted to respond to Ego’s Post (and try out this spiffy trackback function). She asked for player’s definitions of a good priest. Amazingly, gear was not on the list of responses that he had received (although I would argue that it is still somewhat important). This is what he’s got: “Timing, attentiveness, and care” …

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To run a guild is to run a business

Had another rainout again at work, thus we weren’t able to set up our equipment for the day. So I spent my time there with my clipboard and pen out writing as I was inspired by the business I was in. Throughout your travels in World of Warcraft, all of you will have the distinct …

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iMoved, Diablo 3, and more

I’ve picked up shop and moved over to my new domain! Welcome to the World of Matticus. It’s got a much better URL then before along with a new host. With that in mind, I would greatly appreciate any donations as I am but a student. All donations go straight towards my hosting. Now comes …

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Either go big or go home!

This is a message delivered to both people and players who believe they can get away with doing nothing. The people believe they can show up and ride on the backs of others to gain what they do not have the right to gain. The people who do not put in 100% effort when they …

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Ouch! A Lesson in 5v5 Arena Combat

Main Entry: are?na Pronunciation: &-‘rE-n& Function: noun 1 : an area in a Roman amphitheater for gladiatorial combats Main Entry: 1team Pronunciation: ‘tEm Function: noun 4 : a number of persons associated together in work or activity: as a : a group on one side (as in football or a debate) When Blizzard first introduced …

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