First Week of Legion: Progression and Patches

Well, almost. But it might as well be a week. Scouring the internet, I’ve seen mostly universal praise for Legion. From my experiences in the beta, I had a huge suspicion that the expansion would be a massive shot of adrenaline into the game. There’s no numbers in terms of subscriptions (or active accounts), but …

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12 Hours and 20 Minutes from 100 to 110

That’s the time it took for me to level from 100 to 110 on beta. I can do better than that. Anyway, related to the Legion leveling dilemma of pure quests versus incorporating dungeons, I did a straight run yesterday from 100 to 110 on my Priest. Here’s the times and rough paths: 10:38 AM: …

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The Legion Leveling Dilemma

There’s going to be some general spoilers about Legion below with zone names. No lore or story spoilers though. So be warned. I managed to get to level 110 on the beta. Elapsed time was 11.5 hours, but that involved actually reading quest text. There are no cinematics implemented in the game yet. In addition, I …

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Incentivizing Player Behaviour?

Thanks to everyone over Twitter and Facebook who were generous enough to provide me with leads. I’ve found a guild to stash myself in. Alas, it’s a guild I found in trade chat (I know, right?), so their requirements on joining weren’t too stringent or anything. As it’s still the offseason, I can see how …

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Time to Get Back on the Saddle

That was a nice long break from the world of World of Warcraft. After hanging up the staff and robes in January, I feel much more refreshed and invigorated. The problem? Looking for a guild. The last time I really applied for a guild was in Burning Crusade and even then, that was more of …

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