Illi-down: Joy and Disappointment

I never expected myself to get Kalecgos down before Illidan, but go figure. We knocked him out after roughly 3 hours tonight. First kill took 19 minutes and 28 seconds. Phat loot Chestguard of the Forgotten Vanquisher x 2Chestguard of the Forgotten ConquerorShroud of the HighborneFaceplate of the Impenetrable Well, there we go. Illidan is …

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When MIA Happens to YOU

Hey everyone, I wanted to give a quick explanation for my recent absence, and weekend-only posts – Been working too hard! Unfortunately, my work-load got doubled about two weeks ago, and my resulting hours have stripped my calendar of the time I used to use for WoW-research and writing. I shall return, and Matt’s posts …

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Would You be Interested in an all Healer Community?

EDIT: Nevermind! It’s been brought to my attention that there *is* in fact an all healer community in existence that’s been around under my nose for the longest time. Light Natured forums appear at first glance to be what I’ve been looking for. The community forum’s been broken down by class and has some extra …

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Two Tanking Kalecgos

The setting It was going to be a boring Monday evening. I caught up with all the blogs and other good reads that I’ve missed during my short break isolated from the hive mind that is the Internet. I figured I’d finish up the Heroes 5 expansion Tribes of the East which I’ve been working …

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