You Shouldn’t be an Officer

You shouldn’t consider being an officer… If you can’t commit the time If you view it as a simple title without responsibility If you have thin skin and cannot handle flak from anyone If you cannot be objective If you get extremely frustrated If you are impatient If you set a poor example for other …

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The Starting Zone: Episode 54 – Priests

If you’re looking for a distraction today, check out the most recent podcast episode of the Starting Zone! I sat down with the guys as we talked about Priests, the current expansion, and raiding in general. The iTunes Link The MP3 File The RSS Feed

Zone Healing

Ever play Ultimate (or Ultimate Frisbee)? The rules are quite simple. You have two teams starting at opposite end zones who attempt to advance the disc to the other team’s end zone. Once the pull (like a kickoff in football) is initiated the teams can start jockeying for possession. A team that advances the disc …

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Turtle Hate

I thought the turtles in Firelands were bad. Nope! The Tortos ones are even worse. It took us forever the first time we got there to get him. Between the stalactites, the spinning turtles, and the earthquakes, it was a huge chaotic mess. Biggest pressure point? Me. My effectiveness on this fight is practically zero. …

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