Nailed it

Madness is down. We were consistently getting to platform 4 on Monday. Finished it off in 3 or so attempts on Tuesday (lockout extension). I don’t know what kill’s more satisfying: Madness or Spine. That first Madness kill is super messy though: 4 healers alive and 2 DPS still standing. Now we’re in New Game+ …

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Question: Guild A or Guild B?

I am a terrible blogger and lost the link to this self post on r/wow. But, I thought it was a good question since there’s bound to have been other players in similar situations. So I have been faced with a problem and thought I should ask for some advice. Since the start of cataclysm I have …

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Serenity and Renew Buffs

You might have noticed that within this recent ~20 GB beta patch that Renew and Serenity gained some buffs. Chakra: Serenity healing increased by 70% Rapid Renewal (New): Your Renew heals for an additional 15%, instantly heals the target for 15% of the total periodic effect, and has a 0 second reduced global cooldown. But …

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Thanks for the title inspiration, Gorrik. On Tuesday, we caught wind that several of our tanks would either be late or absent for Thursday’s raid. We were getting close to a Spine take down last week. Multiple consecutive attempts involved getting to the third plate, then getting to the second half of the plate. We …

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A Minor Suggestion to the Character Select Screen

I’m not the first person to suggest it, but wouldn’t it be great just having mail icons appear on the character select screen for your alts? It can remind you of things like your auctions or if you’ve made any purchases or serves as crafting reminders. More importantly, I wouldn’t have to log into every …

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