What Do You Want?

<The results are in! Scroll down> Imagine an oversized owl with a golden exclamation mark over her head. Her clawed feet are a’tappin’. Her head’s swaying round, beak held high. She clearly expects people to stop and listen to her woes. People regularly socialize with oversized owls, after all. Especially any that look like they’re …

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Where in the World is Spirit Link?

So, it has certainly been a busy week around the office so to speak. The announcement of the Cataclysm beta has everyone chomping at the bit, eagerly awaiting their invitation to what is sure to be one hell of a party. Since the announcement of the beta there has been a flood of information. Among …

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Yes we did

Yes, we killed the Lich King on 25. Yes, it took forever. Yes, my blogging colleagues here beat me to the punch. Yes, it makes me sadface, but my pride is at stake and I’ll steal back the blog-first bragging rights when Cataclysm arrives. I refuse to be the last player on the team to …

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Why Role Balancing Isn’t Your Average Tentacled Monster

Tobold’s post today is a refreshing look at how the holy trinity of tanks, healers and DPSers might be re-balanced. His basic concept is that it should be made more rewarding – more useful – to players to play a tank or a healer, for their own interest. Rather than developers assuming that the laws …

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