Hymn of Hope is Removed and New Power Infusion Graphic

I checked. I checked all possible trees (including Shadow but I didn’t screenshot that). Hymn of Hope is gone. Yes, I know there was a new glyph added: Glyph of Hymn of Hope *new*  — Your Hymn of hope provides 3 times the normal amount of mana per time, but its duration is 50% shorter. …

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Ulduar Unveiled

Update 1:32 PM “Actually, the effectiveness of the vehicles in the Flame Leviathan fight changes depending on the quality of the gear. So someone in full Naxxramas epics (or Ulduar epics!) will have an easier time than someone in greens. “ Source More information about Ulduar from this blue thread. We know of four additional …

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Priests, WotLK, and Wyn’s Thoughts

  My first reaction to the news was utter, stunned silence. Anyone who’s ever been on vent with me (or listened to a certain blogcast) knows how rare that is. There were no words to encompass my shock and depression. “Why?” I will be asked. “Racials were so stupid. We were the only class that …

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