Raiding is Hardly Hardcore

I want to direct your attention to a post made by Galo, at Ardent Defender. The post is an example of the casual guild experience when they raid. In the last paragraph, he poses a question:

Am I hardcore?

It all depends on the measuring stick that is being used. But in this case, Galo, no you’re not. Here’s a pattern that I’ve discovered when I’ve raided with "casual players".

  • Ten minutes to buff
  • Not listening or following instructions in raids
  • Frequent AFK breaks
  • Ridiculously late start times (an hour after a scheduled raid begins?)

Behavior like that is just unacceptable to me. It proves to me that a player is lazy and unmotivated. No real raider wants to raid with players like that. They give "casual" gamers a bad name since that’s what they’re frequently classified under.

Here is my other question. Why are players who do the exact opposite of what I’ve listed above considered hardcore?

Namely things like:

  • A quick 30 minute buff after a player dies
  • Staying quiet and doing as the raid leader says
  • AFKing only when necessary and only on trash
  • Showing up on time

That’s not hardcore. That’s showing that you’re willing to work for your gear. Galo has no problem getting gear since he does heroics regularly with relative ease.

My advice

Join that Guild, Galo. They sound like the kind of players you will get along with and progress with. Sure you might not be able to make all their times, but the runs you can get in on them with deliver a huge thrill for you. It sounds like you actually want to go somewhere. I’ve had to make the tough choice of parting ways with some friends a long time ago to play in my guild now. But we’re on the same server and we still chat and I still play with them every now and again. Just because you change guilds doesn’t mean you change friends.

I guess one would say I’m a zentastic player.

But throw away those old stereotypes of raiding. Don’t be a casual raider. Don’t be a hardcore raider. Just be a raider.

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9 thoughts on “Raiding is Hardly Hardcore”

  1. “Am I hardcore, No. I don’t really think so, but I’m just dedicated to what I choose to do around the schedule that I have”.

    Im just simply “Dedicated”

    Most people in my Guild are not, nor do they seem committed. Most enjoy their altism with characters thus less effort dedicated to their raid characters. Obviously Im only Dedicated to one character to which I put all my effort into.

    Yes its frustrating trying to progress in a guild with players with a casual attitude to many things with the sphere of raiding. I guess im a progessive minded player in a guild of what seems to be casuals with exception to just a small few individuals.

    As yet i haven’t decided things either way.

  2. i object:)

    We frequently take about 30-45 minutes to get mage food made, get everyone summoned, settled in, and buffed…

    ALWAYS listen and follow the raid leader
    Take 10 minute breaks after each boss kill

    we’re still dedicated, motivated, and definitely not lazy, we’re just relaxed and enjoy the fun in voice chat and throwing heavy leather balls around. But once we get started we get down to business:)

  3. “I’ve had to make the tough choice of parting ways with some friends a long time ago to play in my guild now. But we’re on the same server and we still chat and I still play with them every now and again. Just because you change guilds doesn’t mean you change friends. ”

    Would it have affected your decision to leave your old guild if would have had to change servers?

  4. No. My Dwarf wasn’t a native of Ner’Zuhl. I transferred here and left a few good players behind but that’s another story. Several months later, they decided to follow me.

  5. “Would it have affected your decision to leave your old guild if would have had to change servers?”

    I’m a guildmate of mallet’s, and I transferred to ner’zuhl just before xmas myself.

    I’ve played WoW for three years, and it took me a solid 2 years after the only other guild I liked fell apart, to find Carnage.

    Honestly, sometimes you have to look at what you play this game for; and if you play this game to raid sometimes you have to make some sacrifices and move away from less motivated people. Its generally nothing personal, its just the reality of wanting to raid; you can’t be a slouch and progress.

    Carnage is pretty casual by every meaning of the word; as mallet says: don’t let people tell you that playing well makes you some hardcore freak, it just makes you good at the game you play.

  6. I’m in one of those odd duck casual semi-raiding guilds. One advantage we have is that the guild is made up of mature adults. Though we move slowly through raid content, I would call everyone that chooses to participate is dedicated to progressing. The keyword, of course, is that they all CHOOSE to participate.


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