How to Not Completely Fail Your CE Guild Trial

“Matticus! Help! I’m in a 5/12 Mythic guild and they broke apart and I applied for a Cutting Edge guild! What can I do to not sh** the bed?” Congratulations! Your application process went through. You successfully passed your interview. Now the real work starts as you have to actually go in and play! Can …

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My Disdain for Mythic+ Dungeons

I hate healing dungeons. It didn’t always used to be that way. Cataclysm dungeons (pre-nerf) used to be a great experience. Players had to employ crowd control to su-CC-essfully get through trash pulls. Even Pandaria and the challenge mode system that spawned from it were aspects of the game that I looked forward to. Something …

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To Catch a Cheater

The other week, we held our longest Valorant tournament ever! Over 60 teams competed. We had $2,000 up for grabs. All over the course of two days. It was also free to boot. I even got some time in as an observer and manning one of the in-game cameras to try to catch all the …

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Right and Wrong ways to Communicate in Raid

“Matticus, why do you want us to be less polite in raid?” Maybe some context is needed. In raids, there’s often lots of back and forth communication flying around. Tanks are orchestrating where bosses are being pulled. Raid leader needs to call for any kind of stack or spread out. The Survival Hunter has to …

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