New Computer!

As you know, my birthday was last week. I decided to get myself a new computer as a present. It freakin’ rocks! Pictures below! Thanks to Paul and the guys at Frontier PC for helping me out with the selection! Here’s the specs: Gigabyte Intel P35 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33 Processor (1333mhz) OCZ Gold …

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My desk

Me and a raid leader were comparing desk spaces the other day. He’s got a three monitor set up while I only use two: one for gaming, one for everything else while gaming. I’m beginning to not enjoy these Maulgar-esque fights with multiple tanking targets. Tonight was Fathomlord day. We had the toughest time with …

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My Interface

There has been a flurry of Raiding interface posts (courtesy of Kirk and Galadria). I’m going to show a screen shot of mine in a moment and label all the present addons in the screen. But first, I want to show you an addon that will blow your mind away as a healer and make …

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Fun in Gruul

Our main tank just died tanking High King. Why? Because one of our Paladin’s had Alterac Valley on auto join who was assigned to our MT. Turn off your auto joiners when you raid, folks.