Fun in Gruul
Our main tank just died tanking High King. Why? Because one of our Paladin’s had Alterac Valley on auto join who was assigned to our MT. Turn off your auto joiners when you raid, folks.
Every story, article, column, piece, and so forth on World of Matticus ever published.
Our main tank just died tanking High King. Why? Because one of our Paladin’s had Alterac Valley on auto join who was assigned to our MT. Turn off your auto joiners when you raid, folks.
After 5 attempts, Carnage powers through and eliminates Fathomlord, but at a high price. Lang, our Main Tank, went down with Fathomlord at 30%. Thank goodness Maeve was right behind him building up secondary threat. Props to him for salvaging and saving the raid attempt leading to our guild first kill. [item]Sextant of Unstable Currents[/item] …
A special big shoutout to Netherlord who was kind enough to give me the recipe for Spellsurge at no cost at all. Thank you VERY much sir and welcome to Carnage! Here is an important question that needs to be answered. You’ve hit 70 and you just got that ultimate 1H mace or that …
It’s awesome! It’s got that new fresh computer smell. I’ve been tracking it all morning on the Fedex tracking site. Problem is they keys do not appear to be sensitive enough or I am not pressing them hard enough or maybe Im just a bad typist. Anyway, I’m making this post up on the mountain …
Matt’s Note: I’d like to introduce another writer. Ryan “Doc Holiday” has been a friend for many years. He also plays World of Warcraft with a Hunter as his main. He’ll usually post one or two days out of the week. His columns can be found under Ryan’s Rants on the side. Enjoy! 5. Heroic …