The Pandaria Plan

With the recent opening of level 90 and all the assorted events, you know that we’re drawing ever closer to a Mists release. All that’s left to do is tuning numbers of abilities, finalizing both PvE and PvP content, and polishing the rest of the glitches still in the game. Personally, I’m ballparking the expansion …

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Can’t Wait

I’m 6 bars away from hitting level 90. Trying to get there as fast as I can so I can jump into heroics and do the cool level 90 stuff.  Woke up at 6 and just hit 90. Specced into Divine Star right away (you can see an image of it in action up there). …

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Just Quit

To any raider who is coasting along and simply not trying, Just stop raiding. Quit the game for a day. Quit the game for a week. Or quit the rest of the expansion. I don’t care how long it is, but just stop. You are doing zero favours for your WoW family. They need you …

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Drawing the Line Between Training and Results

Did you know dogs can identify smells thousands of times better than us humans? And the portion of their brain used in identifying and allocating scent is way more than what we use. It comes in handy during avalanche search and rescue operations. But even dogs can’t rely on pure senses to rescue people. They …

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