A Guild Numbers Question
I have a question for you to ponder. Would you rather be in a guild that ran 2 ten man raiding teams or 1 twenty-five man raiding team? Why?
Every story, article, column, piece, and so forth on World of Matticus ever published.
I have a question for you to ponder. Would you rather be in a guild that ran 2 ten man raiding teams or 1 twenty-five man raiding team? Why?
Morning everyone. New beta build finally made the new glyphs purchasable from Flaskataur, Esquire. Here’s some screenies for you to enjoy. The title picture above shows the Glyph of the Val’kyr. It’s that minor one that changes the appearance of Spirit of Redemption. I know some of you think it’s bad form to encourage people …
You let the tank die. You missed the interrupt. You didn’t line up your cooldowns properly. You died to the fire. You dispelled the frost bomb in the wrong place. You got hit by the ball. You hit a healing cooldown on a purple ooze. You faced the boss and it cleared the whole raid. …
If you haven’t been keeping up with the little beta changes and updates that have been going on, there’s something you should know. Don’t worry, it isn’t as game breaking as Spirit Shell having it’s mechanics reworked or anything. Our Purify (formerly known as Dispel) now has a a rather large 8 second cooldown attached …
The default healing UI in WoW has come a long way since Vanilla. One of my favourite additions is the bar they have that shows the impact of your healing done. If you look up, you can see that little green strip that shows how much health is going to be restored with your heal. …