WoWosphere Weekend Warmup

I’m retiring my 3 stars. There’s simply too much blogging material and not enough stars to hand out! Starting on Saturdays, I’m going to be summarize what’s been happening here with me, my blog, and my other fellow bloggers out there. In Game We’ve had a wall with raiding recently. Last Thursday, one of our …

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Guest Post: Why Do You Play WoW?

Matticus’ Note: I posted a small, but brief plea yesterday for help with my blog. Leiandra has helped me answer my plea. My exams conclude on the 15th of December, therefore my personal posts will be drastically reduced while I’m busy raiding cramming for my finals. But I don’t want to leave my readers hanging. …

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Single? Lonely? Fear Not! WoW Online Matchmaking a Reality!

There’s a whole new spin on online dating websites. If you haven’t heard about it already, is a service that aims to pair up people from around the world with each other. A colleague of mine over at Curse has published an interview with founder, John. Check out this brief excerpt: TDQ: Where …

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