Keep It Simple

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean gravida mattis turpis sed cursus. Quisque suscipit nisl quis finibus dapibus. Fusce turpis nisi, suscipit ut velit eu, fringilla fringilla neque. Fusce a bibendum nisi. Donec maximus gravida velit, nec gravida felis molestie id. Proin laoreet urna id mollis lobortis. Sed quis sagittis tortor. Curabitur scelerisque …

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Five Months Later and a New Expansion

The Battle for Azeroth has arrived. With it, we get to explore new lands and face new (or old) villains. I remember the last real mention of Kul Tiras was in the old Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne. It was the Horde side campaign where you played as Rexxar. This was one of the first …

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Hellooo Argus!

Mythic Argus. It’s been a long time since I’ve been at an end boss of an expansion with so much time before the next expansion release. We did reach him a few weeks ago and have slowly chipped away to the point where we’re consistently-ish getting into phase 3. Our struggle now appears to be in …

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