Structuring Your Casual Raiding Guild

A couple of days ago, I had the opportunity to read Karthis’ post on Building a Raiding Guild. In it, he posed several excellent points: Progression Results Leadership Restructuring Smart Recruiting Identifying and Assisting Underachievers Accountability of the Raid “Pat on the backs” Separation of Raiders and Non-Raiders The other day, an ingame friend of …

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Chamber of Guilds: Integration of Cliques

I recently stumbled upon a forum thread on WoW’s Guild Discussion forums about an organization called the Chamber of Guilds. Curious, I decided to go check it out. So what is it? Roundtable is a cross-server, cross-faction guild that allows past, present, and future guild leaders and officers to get together and discuss any issues …

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Guest Post: Why Do You Play WoW?

Matticus’ Note: I posted a small, but brief plea yesterday for help with my blog. Leiandra has helped me answer my plea. My exams conclude on the 15th of December, therefore my personal posts will be drastically reduced while I’m busy raiding cramming for my finals. But I don’t want to leave my readers hanging. …

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