Reader’s Question: Should I Follow William Shatner’s footsteps?

“Hey, I like your site. Like you, I tend to play as a healer since that’s pretty much what everyone is looking for plus it makes playing with my friends enjoyable. I like keeping everyone alive 🙂 Anyways, reason why I’m emailing you. I have a 70 Holy paladin and as much as I love …

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Discipline Priests Unveiled: What Your GM’s Won’t Tell You

I received an email several days ago asking about the bastard brother in the Priest talent trees. Er, I mean the Discpline Priest. By Discipline Priest, I mean 41 points. Matticus – I’m known as Hawk 99% of the time, but on my off days I join the ranks as Farrow, a now lvl 53 …

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Talk About a New Look Healing Corps

Our healing corps looks a lot different than it did in 2007. It’s become a lot more balanced (well, kind of). -BEFORE- 4 Paladins 1 Resto Shaman 2 Holy Priests These were all the possible raid healers we had. More often then not, they were all we brought into the raid. We had 7 strong …

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Preform Leaders Revealed: 6 Ways to Attract Players into your Organized BG Group

It’s Arathi Basin weekend! I had a total blast last night in this PvP preform. Nowadays, it seems that the only way to win or get any real meaningful honor is in premade groups. I’ve been in my fair share of preforms. Some of them fall apart after 1 or 2 rounds. Others continue going …

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