Matt’s Notebook: Dathea Defeated

I’ve been surprised again. I did not think this was the weekend that we would get Dathea down. I figured it would’ve taken us longer than 9 hours, but we managed to do it in one raid week. We swiftly cleared Eranog and Primal Council before engaging this giant bag of, uh… air. Even though …

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Mythic Dungeon Season 1 Isn’t Fun

I want to take a moment and just discuss the state of keys and dungeons for this first season of Dragonflight. There’s some definite negativity going around with the dungeons, the affixes, and the season in general. I’m not immune to it and I understand it. But I’ve never participated in a season where I’ve …

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The Dragonflight Launch Experience

Mine was awful. I know it’s been over two months since the game launched but this was one of the less smooth launches I’ve experienced in recent history. I was able to click the portal in Stormwind harbor to get through, but after that my game experience degraded significantly. My spells would go through but …

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So Long, Shadowlands!

You were a rough expansion to start but ultimately just okay. Ultimately, it ended up being pretty fun towards the conclusion of the expansion. What happened to me during the past several months? After my previous guild decided to disband from raiding and leadership stepped down, I was idle for several months before I signed …

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