Raiding is Hardly Hardcore

I want to direct your attention to a post made by Galo, at Ardent Defender. The post is an example of the casual guild experience when they raid. In the last paragraph, he poses a question: Am I hardcore? It all depends on the measuring stick that is being used. But in this case, Galo, …

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At Least it was a Win

I’m on my retribution paladin and I’m doing 3v3’s with a few friends. My team is 1300 rated. We just finished this EPIC battle against 2 rogues and a warrior. We were a Ret Paladin, Prot Paladin, and a Resto Druid. We beat the crap out of that team. Maces were flying, seals were being …

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Liveblogging the Raid

I wanted to try something new today. It’s going to be a fairly eventful 5.5 hours tonight. It occurred to me that anyone who has never raided in 25 mans might not know what it’s like. The atmosphere, the players, the fun, it’s different then normal WoW playing. 15:55 – All the players are holding …

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5 Barriers of a Raid Healer – Part 1: Indecision

Photo courtesy of dnabil Each Saturday for the next five weeks, I will be writing about one barrier of the raid healer. Healers are often overshadowed and looked over since we are expected to simply know what to do. With luck, this five part series will help you to become a better raid healer whether …

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Hitting the Big Time

Do you know when you’re considered popular? When people on your server send you tells and in game mail asking you for advice and telling you that they read your blog. That’s when you know you’ve hit the big time. In other news, I finished Professor Layton after 2 straight days of mental elastics. Now …

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