“First off i have to commend you for your hard work at making your blog the only one i have ever read. World of Matticus has almost all of the priest information i could hope to read and I have put to use many of the tips found therein. But i can’t find anything about the debate of Staff vs Mace+Offhand (healingwise). Is there a certain point where a staff would be better than the duel wielding combo? Is a mace-offhand settup always better? Please let me know what you think. Thank you for your limited time.”
That was an email I received from a player last night. Incidentally enough, I had a post about this already lined up. What excellent timing!
Back before Burning Crusade, there was one weapon that truly defined a Priest. Those who had it were idolized by Priests everywhere. When you saw it on the back of a Priest in front of you, immediately you would feel an aura of safety. I am referring to [item]Benediction[/item]. Oh how times have changed.
I’m going to present argument from two different sides: The best possible Priest approach and the team Priest approach.
The Best Possible Priest Approach
Do you want to be THE Priest? Do you want to have so much healing and MP5 that you can bring back Elvis? Then this is the setup for you. From what I’ve noticed, a Priest with an MH/OH combo will have slightly higher healing bonuses and a little more mana regeneration than a player with a Staff. But staves aren’t completely useless in their own right. They might lose a bit of +healing when compared to to the MH/OH, but there’s a lot more stats (stamina, intellect, etc). Therefore, if you care that much about min/maxing your Priest (in other words, making it as best as possible), then grabbing an MH/OH is the best way to go. But you have to realize that you’re not the only class that is able to use it.
You’ll be in direct competition with Paladins and Shamans (maybe Druids).
The Team Priest Approach
You don’t want to be the best Priest possible. You know that all the maces are being greedily eyed upon by the other healers because they are way more powerful. You also know that your fellow healers won’t give that awesome healing staff a chance and that it will get sharded. I have seen this happen far too many times. Healers are passing on items that help them in favour of getting an even better item. You may or may not know of my thoughts about this. Precious loot should not be wasted because you never know for sure when you will get the weapon that you want. I never once saw Light’s Justice or Shard of the Virtuous on my Priest.
I hope you can understand my main argument here. I’m not arguing from the perspective of being the super best healer. I’m arguing from the perspective of a healer who wants to contribute to the best of his or her ability with the tools they have.
By accepting the staff, you remove yourself from competing against the Shammies and the Pallies. Let them fight over the mace and spend their precious DKP. A simple minimum bid just gave you nearly the same amount of healing at half the price. Again, this is dependent on your Guild and the style of loot distribution that you have.
Think about your raid healer setup.
In Carnage, we have:
- 2 Holy Priests
- 3-4 Paladins
- 1 Resto Shaman
The Paladins and Shamans are going to go after 1H’s because they want something to complement their Shields. The other holy Priest doesn’t like staves. That leaves me to obtain loot at half price because these turkeys aren’t going to use it anyway! By taking it, I benefit the raid as a whole because it increases my healing and speeds up the gearing process.
I even save a little DKP because I don’t have to bid on both a mace and an offhand. I don’t have to wait for 2 bosses to drop the 2 items that I need. I only need to kill 1 boss repeatedly.
I am sacrificing my potential to be the best possible Priest later to help the raid now.
To finalize
Whatever weapon you choose to go with is affected by different factors.
- Your guild
- Loot distribution methods
- Your style of play
- Personality
- Phase of the moon
Just understand that arguments can be made for either class. I don’t view myself as a selfish raider. I want to get to the end of the game as fast as possible and if I have to lose 30 healing over it, then I can sleep soundly with no problems. Besides, the extra stamina means I’ll live just a bit longer then Paulina Priest over there.
That’s why I opted for my new staff instead of waiting on Vasj to drop her mace.
What weapon do you use?
- Main Hand and Off Hand (47%, 16 Votes)
- Staff (32%, 11 Votes)
- I like to go in there without any weapons (21%, 7 Votes)
Total Voters: 34

I guess it’s a bit different now that alliance has shamans. It used to be pretty even playing field, compete against druids for staves, compete against paladins and druids for maces.
Those two classes competed against each other for 2-h maces (I seem to recall a healing one in MC, back in the day…).
I’m of the “roll/buy anything that could be an upgrade now” school of thought. Even if something better could be coming later. I’ve been running around with the Shard of Virtuous (they should have a sound effect for that one, it drags on the floor when I run) for over 6 months now, and we moved out of Kara about 4 months ago. At this point, I’ll be rolling/buying whatever upgrade I can find.
You forgot to discuss the fact that staves are often much prettier than a mace + offhand combo. 😉 Shard of the Virtuous? More like giant, blue lollipop of doom (Vorpal). What I wouldn’t give for a staff to replace it!
You guys need some resto druids! And yes, you’d be rolling against us for those maces too. =)
Yes, we do ned some resto druids.
So…you’re saying that MH/OH combos are always better, and only go for staves if you’re looking for a quick and easy not-quite-as-good upgrade?
You mentioned the stat distribution differences in here – those priests using the stat-poor tailoring set should probably look into a staff to help boost your failing stamina and other stats.
A priest running around with under 7k health might as well be wearing a bullseye for some of the more difficult raiding encounters post-kara. 😉
Pretty much! MH/OH typically results in higher overall healing power and mana regen. Staves have extra stats which increase your survivability some.
Voted for Staff.
I still heal with Benediction with 55 healing.
Because I’m that good.